01765 357005
Whatever stage of life you are in you should consider how to protect your loved ones...
Wills & Lasting Power of Attorney

We cannot stress enough how important it is that you have a carefully considered Will to deal with your assets and provide for your loved ones in the most effective and cost/tax efficient manner. Wills are not only about your assets, you should also consider practicalities such as what would happen to your children if both parents were to die in an accident together.
Wills provide a means to deal with your assets and wishes on death, however, perhaps an even more important consideration is how your assets and finances would be dealt with if you were still alive but unable to make decisions yourself, due to an unforseen accident or illness. The way to protect yourself and your loved ones in life, is to have a Lasting Power of Attorney. It is a common misunderstanding that your patrner or loved ones will be able to deal with your finances if you couldn't. This is not necessarily true and if you have seperate finances, which many of us do today, then that could cause grave problems indeed.
You should review any existing Will every five years or so, and when there have been any major life changes, such as a death, a marriage or a birth. Also remember to ensure that any executors or beneficiaries can still be traced.
Wildblood Legal offer a free Will review service and we are happy to discuss any aspect of Wills or Lasting Powers of Attorney.
Our simple single Wills start from £200.00 plus VAT and LPA's are £300.00 plus VAT (plus the registration fee of £82.00 (unless you qualify for a reduction)
Please call 01765 357005 or email us at hello@wildbloodlegal.co.uk for further information.